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Climate migration is one of the major challenges the world is facing.


The World Bank estimates that up to 216 million people will be forced to leave their homes due to climate change by 2050.


The UN fears that the situation could easily become a recruitment ground for Islamic extremist groups.

1. edition published September 2023 at the imprint Forlaget Pantanal.

3 Degrees Celsius – a climate thriller about the threat of Islamic extremism during the climate crisis.

The global temperature rise has reached 3 degrees Celsius. Africa is burning, and life has become a daily struggle for survival, with hundreds of millions of people starving across the continent.

Somewhere in Central Africa, the tribal girl Bintou must dig deep to find a remarkable inner strength, as both Mother Nature and the Islamist militant group Ansaru seem determined to hold her in an iron grip.

Further north, the orphaned boy Muhammad finds himself in a ghost town in Algeria, with little hope for the future. An impulsive action leads him on a fateful journey that will change his life for-ever.

3 Degrees Celsius is the second book in the Victims of Hothouse Earth series. 3 Degrees Celsius focuses on the threat of Islamic extremism during the climate crisis and will be released in English during 2025.


One of the best things I've read in a long time – both the first and second books in the series. A truly terrifying dystopian tale of how badly things can go.

Rikke, Mofibo

The second book in the Victims of Hothouse Earth series is actually just as exciting and terrifying as the first, Mali.

Jørn, Goodreads

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